René Mutt



1987 in Evanston, IL

2010: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Bachelors of Fine Arts in Painting
2009: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Bachelors of Fine Arts in Graphic Design

"Russell Dietrich is an artist who makes different kinds of things. At some moments he finds himself making paintings and drawings preoccupied with biblical motifs and wider human concerns such as love, fear, and loss. At other times he uses his design training to make both commercial and vocational images to promote a wide variety of products and causes. Coming from a graphic design and fine art background, Dietrich has discovered that the flexibility between forms and medias actually opens up the possibilities within each of his distinct practices. You'll sometimes see humor seep into his paintings and the playful design work he has made over his tenure. All the while there is clear evidence that his color sensibility and knowledge of pictorial space also makes it into all the work he is doing, whether it's design, painting, performance, or podcasting."
Jorge Lucero

Russell currently resides in Urbana, Illinois, with his wife, Megan, and his son, August.

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